Odontologists--remember we need basic, foundational research in all areas of our discipline. Are our procedures scientifically valid and reliable?
Critically examine everything we've been taught. Question the scientific basis of every standard, guideline, best practice, or principle followed.
Keep in mind the quote often attributed to W. Edwards Deming: "Without data you are just another person with an opinion." I would add, if you use incorrect data, you may commit forensic malpractice, and, always remember: "First, do no harm."
We insist on evidence-based treatment in health care, why not in forensics?
Merely saying "we're following the science" without verifying that the "science" being followed is actually true is the same thing religions and cults do.
When I was in law school way back in the day, I did all my pro bono hours volunteering with our local Innocence Project chapter and the Dallas County D.A.'s then-brand-new Conviction Integrity Unit--the group responsible for many exonerations.
I was interested in this subject, and as a third-year law student, I took a class on "post-conviction relief." As part of that class, I wrote a paper titled "Bite This!...(rest of title omitted)." I have recently seen this paper cited a number of times and this is very disturbing and frustrating to me, for the following reasons...after the class was over, the professor (adjunct status) asked me if I would be interested in having the paper published, and I said "sure." The professor said "great" and that he/she would take care of editing and rewriting some portions of the paper, and would take care of the submission process. I didn't hear anything back for quite some time--in fact, until after I had graduated, and one of my friends told me he had seen my paper in a law journal.
I looked the journal up and found my paper. Not only was my professor's name on my paper as second author, two other co-authors were listed as well, and I had never even heard of them! I have absolutely no idea who they are!! The paper had been butchered and rewritten, and there were now factual inaccuracies in the paper, as well as statements I simply had not written and did not at all agree with. I was astounded.
I contacted the editor of the journal and asked how the paper could have been submitted as having been written by me without any sort of verification whatsoever from me. I was told that "they" had been "unable to get in contact with me" and they accepted my professor's 's assertion that this was the paper I authored. Seems preposterous to me. One of the assistant Deans of my law school indicated that the professor had been reprimanded and would not be invited back to teach.
After some lengthy discussion with the editor, I demanded that the paper be withdrawn from publication because he would not remove the two co-author's names, and it was--sort of-- although the title still appears on the journal website in the index for that issue. However, a copy of the paper must be cached somewhere in the cloud, as it seems to have been located and cited by numerous writers and others from time to time. Nothing ever completely disappears from the internet.
At this point in my careeer I have no problem in recanting my recantation, as I certainly do not disagree with the fundamental premise of the paper--it is just the sneaky way that it got published and the addition of the two co-authors who contributed nothing to the paper and who actually made it worse....and the fact that my professor gave me a "B" in the class after I wrote a paper that was good enough that he/she wanted to have it published and sign on as a co-author. Oh well.
A couple of odontologists have told me that they flat do not believe my story and that I am making all this up. Contact me for the particulars, if you think I'm lying.
Roger D Metcalf DDS, JD
PO Box 137442
Fort Worth, TX 76136-1442
ph: +1-817-371-3312
© 2013 - 2024. Roger D Metcalf. All worldwide rights reserved.
No reproduction without permission.
Neither the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's District, Tarrant County, the American Board of Forensic Odontolgy, the American Society of Forensic Odontology, the Royal College of Physicians, Oklahoma State University, nor any other organizaion mentioned here necessarily supports or endorses any information on this website. Any opinions, errors, or omissions are my responsibility, and mine alone. This site DOES NOT REPRESENT the official views of any of these--or any other-- organizations. Similarly, those other organizations may not fully represent my views, either.