Roger D Metcalf DDS, JD

Forensic Odontology

and Some Other Stuff

Odontologists--remember we need basic, foundational research in all areas of our discipline. Are our procedures scientifically valid and reliable?

Critically examine everything we've been taught. Question the scientific basis of every standard, guideline, best practice, or principle followed.

Keep in mind the quote often attributed to W. Edwards Deming: "Without data you are just another person with an opinion." I would add, if you use incorrect data, you may commit forensic malpractice, and, always remember: "First, do no harm."

We insist on evidence-based treatment in health care, why not in forensics?

Merely saying "we're following the science" without verifying that the "science" being followed is actually true is the same thing religions and cults do.

Dental Age Guesstimation Bibliography

The following is a selected bibliography of dental age estimation/assessment/prediction/guess papers. This is a list I have been casually compiling for quite some time. I do not claim that it is exhaustive, by any means, these are just arbitrarily collected papers I've found interesting and helpful

New directions in dental anthropology: Paradigms, methodologies and outcomes. (2012). (G. Townsend, E. Kanazawa, & H. Takayama, Eds.). University of Adelaide Press.

A companion to dental anthropology. (2016). (J. D. Irish & G. R. Scott, Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Demirjians utviklingsstadier på visdomstenner for estimering av kronologisk alder (Demirjian’s development stages on wisdom teeth for estimation of chronological age: A systematic review.).(2017). N. I. o. P. Health.

Human age assessment by dental analysis. (2020). (American Dental Association Technical Report, Issue ADA1077‐2020).‐Technical‐Report‐No‐1077‐Human‐Age‐Assessment‐by‐Dental‐/ADA1077‐2020

Abu Asab, S., Noor, S. N. F. M., & Khamis, M. F. (2011). The accuracy of Demirjian method in dental age estimation of Malay children. Singapore Dental Journal, 32(1), 19‐27.‐5291(12)70012‐3

Ali, A. M. M., Ahmed, W. H., & Khattab, N. M. (2019). Applicability of Demirjian’s method for dental age estimation in a group of Egyptian children. British Dental Journal Open, 5(2), 01‐06.‐019‐0015‐y

AlQahtani, S. J., Hector, M. P., & Liversidge, H. M. (2014). Accuracy of dental age estimation charts: Schour and Massler, Ubelaker, and the London Atlas. Am J Phys Anthro, 154, 70‐78.

al‐Qattan, S. I., & Elfawal, M. A. (2010). Significance of teeth lead accumulation in age estimation. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 17(2010), 325‐328.

Altinay, R. E. (2009). "This child, whose bone age is fourteen . . .": Ethical dimensions of skeletal age assessment. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 2(1), 165‐173.

Anderson, D. L., Thompson, G. W., & Popovich, F. (1975). Age of attainment of mineralization stages ofthe permanent dentition. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 191‐200.

Anderson, D. L., Thompson, G. W., & Popovich, F. (1975). Interrelationships of dental maturity, skeletal maturity, height and weight, from age 4 to 14 years. Growth, 39, 453‐462.

Arumugam, V., & Doggalli, N. (2020). Different dental aging charts or atlas methods used for age estimation–A review. Asian Journal of Basic Science & Research, 2(3), 64‐74. https://doi.org10.38177/AJBSR.2020.2306

Babshet, M., Acharya, A. B., & Naikmasur, V. G. (2011). Age estimation from pulp/tooth area ratio (PTR) in an Indian sample: A preliminary comparison of three mandibular teeth used alone and in combination. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 18(2011), 350‐354.

Balaraj, B. M., & Nithin, M. D. (2010). Determination of adolescent ages 14‐16 years by radiological study of permanent mandibular second molars. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine,17(2010), 329‐332.

Bang, G., & Ramm, E. (1969). Determination of age in humans from root dentin transparency. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 3‐35.

Barsley, R. E., Bernstein, M. L., Brumit, P. C., Dorion, R. B. J., Golden, G. S., Lewis, J. M., McDowell, J. D.,Metcalf, R. D., Senn, D. R., Sweet, D., & Weems, R. A. (2018). Epidermis and enamel: Insights into gnawing criticisms of human bitemark evidence. American Journal of Forensic Medicine andPathology, 39(2), 87‐97.

Barsley, R. E., David, T. J., & Metcalf, R. D. (2013). Legal aspects of forensic odontology. In D. R. Senn &R. Weems (Eds.), American Society of Forensic Odontology Manual of Forensic Odontology (5thed.). CRC Press.

Benjamin, H. (1947). Biologic versus chronologic age. Journal of Gerontology, 2(3), 217‐227.

Bérgamo, A. L., de Queiroz, C. L., Sakamoto, H. E., & Alves da Silva, R. H. (2016). Dental age estimation methods in forensic dentistry: Literature review. Forensic Science Today, 2(1), 04‐09.

Birchler, F. A., Kiliaridis, S., Combescure, C., & Vazquez, L. (2016). Dental age assessment on panoramicradiographs in a Swiss population: a validation study of two prediction models. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 45(1).

Blenkin, M. (2009). Forensic odontology and age estimation: an introduction to concepts and methods.VDM Verlag Dr Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co KG.

Blenkin, M., & Taylor, J. (2012). Age estimation charts for a modern Australian population. ForensicScience International, 221, 106‐112.

Boonpitaksathit, T., Hunt, N., Roberts, G. J., Petrie, A., & Lucas, V. S. (2011). Dental age assessment of adolescents and emerging adults in United Kingdom Caucasians using censored data for stage H of third molar roots. European Journal of Orthodontics, 33(2011), 503‐508. https://doi.org10.1093/ejo/cjq101

Bosmans, N., Piers, A., Aly, M., & Willems, G. (2005). The application of Kvaal’s dental age calculation technique on panoramic dental radiographs. Forensic Science International, 153(2005), 208-12.

Bowdler, H. C., & Morant, G. M. (1936). A preliminary study of the eruption of the mandibular thirdmolar tooth in man based on measurements obtained from radiographs, with special reference to the problem of predicting cases of ultimate impaction of the tooth. Biometrika, 28(3/4),378‐427.

Bowen, W. H., & Koch, G. (1970). Determination of age in monkeys (Maca irus) on the basis of dental development. Laboratory Animals, 4, 113‐123.

Brady, W. J. (1924). A chart of the average time of development, eruption and absorption of the teeth. W. J. Brady.,+eruption+and+absorption

Braga, J., Heuze, Y., Chabadel, O., Sonan, N. K., & Gueramy, A. (2005). Non‐adult dental age assessment: correspondence analysis and linear regression versus Bayesian predictions. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 119(2005), 260‐274.‐004‐0494‐8

Bulmer, M. G. (1967). Principles of statistics. Oliver & Boyd.

Burrell, C. L., Davenport, C. A. L., Carpenter, R. J., & Ohman, J. C. (2018). Biological age estimation of non‐adult human skeletal remains: Comparison of dental development with the humerus, femur and pars basilaris. In M. Holst & M. Alexander (Eds.), Trends in Biological Anthropology.(Vol. 2). Oxbow Books.

Butti, A. C., Clivio, A., Ferraroni, M., Spada, E., Testa, A., & Salvato, A. (2009). Häävikko’s method to assess dental age in Italian children. European Journal of Orthodontics, 31(2), 150‐155.

Cameriere, R., de Angelis, D., Ferrante, L., Scarpino, F., & Cingolani, M. (2007). Age estimation in children by measurement of open apices in teeth: a European formula. International Journal ofLegal Medicine.‐007‐0179‐1

Cameriere, R., de Luca, S., Alemán, I., Ferrante, L., & Cingolani, M. (2012). Age estimation by pulp/tooth ratio in lower premolars by orthopantomography. Forensic Science International, 214(2012),105‐112.

Cardoso, H. F. V. (2007). Accuracy of developing tooth length as an estimate of age in human skeletal remains: The deciduous dentition. Forensic Science International, 172, 17‐22. https://doi.org

Cardoso, H. F. V., Cladas, I. M., & Andrade, M. (2016). Dental and skeletal maturation as simultaneous and separate predictors of chronological age in post‐pubertal individuals: a preliminary study in assessing the probability of having attained 16 years of age in the living. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 50(4), 371‐384.

Carmichael, R. D., & Smith, E. R. (1931). Mathematical tables and formulas. Ginn and Company.

Cattell, P. (1928). The eruption and growth of the permanent teeth. Journal of Dental Research, 8(2),279‐287.

Cattell, P. (1928). The eruption and growth of the permanent teeth. Journal of Dental Research, 8(2),279‐287.

Chaillet, N., & Demirjian, A. (2004). Dental maturity in South France: A comparison between Demirjian's method and polynomial functions. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49(5), 1‐8.

Chaillet, N., Nyström, M., & Demirjian, A. (2005). Comparison of dental maturity in children of different ethnic origins: International maturity curves for clinicians. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 50(5),1164‐1174.

Chaillet, N., Willems, G., & Demirjian, A. (2004). Dental maturity in Belgian children using Demirjian's method and polynomial functions: new standard curves for forensic and clinical use. Journal of Forensic Odonto‐Stomatology, 22(2), 18‐27.

Chatterjee, S. (2011). Comparative analysis of sclerotic dentinal changes in attrited and carious teeth around pulp chamber for age determination. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 18(2011),177‐179.

Chaudhary, R. K., & Doggalli, N. (2018). Commonly used different dental age estimation methods in children and adolescents. Int J Forensic Odontol, 3(2).

Chen, H., Zhang, K., Lyu, P., Li, H., Zhang, L., Wu, J., & Lee, C.‐H. (2019). A deep learning approach to automatic teeth detection and numbering based on object detection in dental periapical films. Scientific Reports, 9, 01‐11.‐019‐40414‐y

Chen, H., Zhang, K., Lyu, P., Li, H., Zhang, L., Wu, J., & Lee, C.‐H. (2019). A deep learning approach to automatic teeth detection and numbering based on object detection in dental periapical films. Scientific Reports, 9, 01‐11.‐019‐40414‐y

Chudasama, P. N., Roberts, G. J., & Lucas, V. S. (2012). Dental age assessment (DAA): A study of a Caucasian population at the 13 year threshold. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine,19(2012), 22‐28.

Corral, C., García, F., García, J., León, P., Herrera, A., Martínez, C., & Moreno, F. (2010). Chronological versus dental age in subjects from 5 to 19 years: a comparative study with forensic implications.Colombia Medica, 41(3), 215‐223.

Cramér, H. (1946). Mathematical methods of statistics. Princeton University Press.

Crow, E. L., Davis, F. A., & Maxfield, M. W. (1960). Statistics manual. U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station.(NAVORD Report 3369‐NOTS 948)

Cruz‐Landeira, A., Linares‐Argote, J., Martínez‐Rodríguez, M., Rodríguez‐Calvo, M. S., Otero, X. L., &Concheiro, L. (2009). Dental age estimation in Spanish and Venezuelan children. Comparison of Demirjian and Chaillet’s scores. International Journal of Legal Medicine.‐009‐0380‐5

Curran, J. M. (2013). Is forensic science the last bastion of resistance against statistics? Science and Justice, 53, 251‐252.

Dalitz, G. D. (1962). Age determination of adult human remains by teeth examination. Journal ‐ ForensicScience Society, 3(1), 11‐21.‐7368(62)70094‐0

de Back, W., Seurig, S., Wagner, S., Marré, B., Roeder, I., & Scherf, N. (2019). Forensic age estimation with Bayesian convolutional neural networks based on panoramic dental X‐ray imaging. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 1‐4.

de Cássia Silva Azevedo, A., Alves, N. Z., Michel‐Crosato, E., Rocha, M., Cameriere, R., & Biazevic, M. G.H. (2014). Dental age estimation in a Brazilian adult population using Cameriere’s method. Braz Oral Res, 29(1), 1‐9.‐3107BOR‐2015.vol29.0016

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Demirjian, A., & Goldstein, H. (1976). New systems for dental maturity based on seven and four teeth.Annals of Human Biology, 3(5), 411‐421.

Demirjian, A., Goldstein, H., & Tanner, J. M. (1973). A new system of dental age assessment. Human Biology, 45(2), 211‐227.

Demirjian, A., Goldstein, H., & Tanner, J. M. (1973). A new system of dental age assessment. Human Biology, 45(2), 211‐227.

Demirjian, A., & Levesque, G.‐Y. (1980). Sexual differences in dental development and prediction of emergence. Journal of Dental Research, 59(7), 1110‐1122.

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Devos, N., Willems, G., & Wood, R. (2009). Objective human tooth colour measurement as a means of determining chronologic age in‐vivo and ex‐vivo. Journal of Forensic Odonto‐Stomatology, 27(2),2‐8.

Diamond, M. (1944). The patterns of growth and development of the human teeth and jaws. Journal of Dental Research, 23(4), 273‐303.

Diamond, M. (1944). The patterns of growth and development of the human teeth and jaws. Journal of Dental Research, 23(4), 273‐303.

Dias, P. E. M., Beaini, T. L., & Melani, R. F. H. (2010). Age estimation from dental cementum incremental lines and periodontal disease. Journal of Forensic Odonto‐Stomatology, 28(1), 13‐21.

Doğru, H. B., Gulsahi, A., Çehreli, S. B., Galić, I., van der Stelt, P., & Cameriere, R. (2018). Age of majorityassessment in Dutch individuals based on Cameriere’s third molar maturity index. Forensic Science International, 282(2018), 231.e231‐231.e236.

Doğru, H. B., Gulsahi, A., Çehreli, S. B., Galić, I., van der Stelt, P., & Cameriere, R. (2018). Age of majorityassessment in Dutch individuals based on Cameriere’s third molar maturity index. Forensic Science International, 282(2018), 231.e231‐231.e236.

Ebrahim, E., Rao, P. K., Chatra, L., Shenai, P., Veena, K., Prabhu, R. V., Shahin, K., Kushraj, T., Shetty, P., &Hameed, S. (2014). Dental age estimation using Schour and Massler method in South Indian children. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 2(5C), 1669‐1674.

el‐Bakary, A. A., Hammad, S. M., & Mohammed, F. (2010). Dental age estimation in Egyptian children, comparison between two methods. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 17(2010), 363‐3367.

Esan, T. A., Yengopal, V., & Schepartz, L. A. (2017). The Demirjian versus the Willems method for dental age estimation in different populations: A meta‐analysis of published studies. PloS One, 12(11),01‐23.

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Ferrante, L., Skrami, E., Gesuita, R., & Cameriere, R. (2015). Bayesian calibration for forensic age estimation. Statistics in Medicine, 34(10), 1779‐1790.

Flood, S. J., Franklin, D., Turlach, B. A., & McGeachie, J. (2013). A comparison of Demirjian’s four dental development methods for forensic age estimation in South Australian sub‐adults. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 20, 875‐883.

Flood, S. J., Franklin, D., Turlach, B. A., & McGeachie, J. (2013). A comparison of Demirjian’s four dental development methods for forensic age estimation in South Australian sub‐adults. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 20, 875‐883.

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Roger D Metcalf DDS, JD

PO Box 137442

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