Roger D Metcalf DDS, JD

Forensic Odontology

and Some Other Stuff

Odontologists--remember we need basic, foundational research in all areas of our discipline. Are our procedures scientifically valid and reliable?

Critically examine everything we've been taught. Question the scientific basis of every standard, guideline, best practice, or principle followed.

Keep in mind the quote often attributed to W. Edwards Deming: "Without data you are just another person with an opinion." I would add, if you use incorrect data, you may commit forensic malpractice, and, always remember: "First, do no harm."

We insist on evidence-based treatment in health care, why not in forensics?

Merely saying "we're following the science" without verifying that the "science" being followed is actually true is the same thing religions and cults do.


Roger D. Metcalf, DDS, JD

PO Box 137442

Fort Worth, Texas 76136-1442 USA

Phone: +1-817-371-3312

Fax: +1-817-378-4882

Twitter: #Odontology

Diploma in Forensic Human Identification, Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians (Dip-FHID)

I realize there may be some confusion caused by my website address for those folks looking for

The Metcalfe Society a "one-name" geaneological society based in the U.K. Sorry about that! Please make a contribution to the Society! And, yes, I am a member!

My heritage is from Yorkshire with some Irish and I have a little bit of Scots in me, as well (no crude jokes, please :-). And, apparently, we were Vikings at some point. I found I have a fairly sizeable chunk of Neandertal DNA, too. I participate in "The Metcalfe Project" DNA database via the
Metcalfe Society and FamilyTree DNA, and have had the DNA profile,
23andme profile, Family Tree profile, and Living DNA
profile done, as well--I've done the "Big-Y" profile and I just ordered a "whole genome profile" test from Nebula Genomics, too. (I'm very
interested in all this because of the work I did in my Human ID Lab at the Medical Examiner's office.) All my profiles are in very close agreement and show a very tight origin of ethnicity from the north of England, Scotland, and thence to western Scandanavia and all four of my lineages (Metcalf, Yarbrough, Harris, and Gentry) can be traced back to the very early days of England--pretty cool. One test shows I have 3% Neandertal in me, and my mitochondrial DNA (from my mother, of course) traces back to being related to the "Cheddar Man"!!!

I might also note there is actually another dentist named Roger Metcalf DDS--he is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, and would probably not appreciate being confused with me. My middle intial is D., and his is not. I am in Fort Worth, Texas, and he is not.

Please feel free to contact me anytime (information you provide here will NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER):

By submitting my information I agree to be contacted by Roger Metcalf using any method I provide.

Roger D Metcalf DDS, JD

PO Box 137442

Fort Worth, TX 76136-1442

ph: +1-817-371-3312


[email protected]

© 2013 - 2024. Roger D Metcalf. All worldwide rights reserved.

No reproduction without permission.

Neither the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's District, Tarrant County, the American Board of Forensic Odontolgy, the American Society of Forensic Odontology, the Royal College of Physicians, Oklahoma State University, nor any other organizaion mentioned here necessarily supports or endorses any information on this website. Any opinions, errors, or omissions are my responsibility, and mine alone. This site DOES NOT REPRESENT the official views of any of these--or any other-- organizations. Similarly, those other organizations may not fully represent my views, either.